SUNDAY! what are you thankful for?
SUNDAY! What are you thankful for?
This is a question I have begun to ask my self each morning.
Although I may not have slept well some nights I am thankful I have a warm place to lay my tired body each night.
I think about the car that almost ran me off of the road, (yes I yelled at them and maybe even a bad work came out) but I am thankful that accident didn't happen.
I think about the day that the doctor told me I had breast cancer but I am thankful I am a survivor and my family for being there to support me and my husband Bobbie who took care of me for months afterward and put up with me. LOLOL
I think about my son's, their families and the 5 grandchildren I have. I am so thankful because I can't imagine a life without them.
I am thankful for all the good things in my life AND the bad because without the combination of both it wouldn't have made me the person I am today. I am thankful for my friends, my family, the funny stories I can tell or my family and friends share with me, the places I have been and most of all EVERY priceless moment in life gone by.
I may not talk or see many of my friends on regular bases but I am thankful that when we do, we just pick up where we left off the last time we were together. Each of you is an important part of my life.
I have been obsessed with photography for as long as I can remember. With every photo, you can capture moments in time that will last a lifetime and with it a memorable story to tell.