Do you love the color RED?
I DO…..especially in design. Several years ago we were at Virginia Beach shopping and I noticed this Sushi Restaurant. As I walked by, the interior caught my eye. They were closed and to say the least I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to take pictures to share…WELLLLL, being persistent, I returned the next day and they were open. The owners were very pleasant and told me to take all the photographs I wanted.

I love how the color softens as you look through the Birch limbs.

When using the color red it is important to understand the Psychology of color. Red represents fire and can be very stimulating, romantic, energetic, and warm and be inviting. What do you think they accomplished with their use of the color RED?
Check out the reds in the link below, especially the RED kitchen!
Look at this beautiful red color Merlot of Miss Lillian's NO-WAX Chock Paint.